Privacy notice of
Neuraan S.A.P.I. de C.V.

Neuraan, S.A.P.I. de C.V. (hereinafter “Neuraan®”) is committed to the proper handling of personal data. For this reason, you are interested in familiarizing yourself with the way in which you collect, use and transfer your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Notice, in accordance with the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals (hereinafter the Act), its Regulations and the guidelines of the Privacy Notice published in the Official Gazette of the Federation of January 17, 2013.

Neuraan® adheres at all times to the principles of trust, lawfulness, information, loyalty, quality, accountability and transparency.

Neuraan® collects information:

When you provide personal information to Neuraan®, you accept the terms and conditions of this Privacy Notice.

If you apply for work using the form available at:, the use of the Personal Information you provide will be governed by the Employee and Candidate Privacy Notice.

The services provided by Neuraan® are not aimed at minors, and for this reason, we do not intentionally collect personal data from people resident in Mexico under 18 and eighteen years of age.

If you ever consider that your rights related to the protection of your personal data have been violated in any way, you can go to the National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data to request your protection.

For more information you can consult the website:

I. Personal Data

“Personal Data” is data that identifies you as a person or relates you as an identifiable person. Neuraan®, for the fulfillment of the purposes indicated in this Privacy Notice, may request, collect, use, store and transfer the following personal data:

Neuraan® in no case uses deceptive or fraudulent means to collect personal data, so data is always collected lawfully and with your prior consent, except for the exceptions allowed by law.

Under no circumstances does Neuraan® request sensitive personal data. Sensitive personal data are those that may reveal aspects such as racial or ethnic origin, present and future health status, genetic information, religious, philosophical and moral beliefs, union membership, political opinions, sexual preference. However, if Neuraan® for any reason were to process any sensitive personal data, even if it had not been requested, it will be treated as strictly confidential and will not be transferred to third parties.

II. Financial data

Neuraan® collects your financial data for the purpose of processing payments for the services offered. This data consists of:

For the processing of this type of data, the express acceptance of the owner will be required.

III. Neuraan® identity and address

Neuraan, S.A.P.I. de C.V., is located at Calle 18 (eighteen), number 246 (two hundred and forty-six), letter “C” by 43 (forty-three) and 45 (forty-five), Col. Leandro Valle, C.P. 97143, Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico.

IV. Purpose of the processing of personal data

Personal Data will be processed in accordance with the following purposes:

1. Main Purposes:

2. Secondary Purposes:

If you do not agree with the processing of your Personal Data for these secondary purposes, you can express your opposition within 07 to seven days, otherwise it will be understood that you have given your consent. You can revoke this consent at any time.

Neuraan® informs you that the owner's objection to authorizing the use of their personal data for secondary purposes does not imply the suspension of Neuraan® services.

V. Cookies and web beacons

“Cookies” are data stored directly on the computer you use and through which we receive certain information. We may use cookies and similar tracking technologies on the Websites and Applications, as well as in HTML-formatted email messages that we send to you. Cookies and similar technologies allow us to collect information such as the type of browser, the time spent on the Services, the pages visited, language preferences and other traffic data. We use the information collected for various purposes, including analysis, measuring the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns and to show you advertisements for products and services that we think will be of interest to you.

The owner has the right at all times to activate or deactivate cookies on the website so, where appropriate, to deactivate or reactivate them, the user can do so through the browser used to access the website. Below, we provide you with information about how to activate and deactivate cookies in the main web browsers:

On the other hand, web beacons are images inserted on a website or email that can be used to monitor the behavior of a visitor, such as storing information about the user's IP address, browsing schedule, length of time spent interacting with the Site, sections viewed, Internet pages accessed prior to ours and the type of browser used.

The user can change their options through their computer equipment and browsers to stop accepting “web beacons” or confirm whether or not they accept them.

I SAW. Limitation and Revocation of the Use or Disclosure of Personal Data

Neuraan® safeguards the Owner's personal data under computer programs with limited access through the use of passwords, as well as in files for the case of personal data contained in physical documents. The latter are only available to Neuraan® staff and to third party recipients with whom they have signed confidentiality agreements, who, due to their functions, are granted powers to do so.

Neuraan® signs confidentiality agreements with all its staff and with third party recipients who use the technological platform called “Neuraan”, in which it is contemplated that the personal data they access in the exercise of their functions are considered confidential information, and, therefore, if such confidential information is disclosed, they will be entitled to the corresponding sanction.

Neuraan® has implemented internal policies and processes applicable to its personnel and third-party recipients, through which Personal Data is used by a minimum of people, limiting the use of reproduction media and creating the obligation to destroy all copies or reproductions of documents containing personal data that are not strictly indispensable.

Regarding the security measures implemented to protect your personal data and sensitive personal data, we inform you that, for your protection, we have implemented administrative, physical and technical security measures to prevent loss, misuse or alteration of your information.

You can revoke or limit the consent that was granted to Neuraan® for the processing of your personal data, taking into account that not in all cases it will be immediate, as there is the possibility that Neuraan®, as a result of a legal obligation, is in need of continuing to process your Personal Data.

In order to revoke or limit your consent, you must submit a written request to Neuraan® to the Department of Personal Data Protection, either at the address of Neuraan® or via email to:

This request must contain the following:

This request will be answered within a maximum period of 20 (twenty) business days, counting from the date of receipt of the request with acknowledgment of receipt.

If you ever consider that your rights related to the protection of your personal data have been violated in any way, you can go to the National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data to request your protection.

For more information you can consult the website:

VII. What are ARCO rights?

These are the rights that every owner of personal data has to be able to: Access, Rectify, Cancel and, where appropriate, to object to the processing or transmission of their personal data.

Neuraan® has mechanisms in place to protect both physically and electronically the personal data and sensitive personal data to which it has access.

VIII. Means to exercise the rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation or Opposition

The Owner may at any time exercise their rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation or Opposition (“ARCO” rights, in their initials) by submitting a written request addressed to Neuraan® with attention to the Department of Personal Data Protection, either at the address of Neuraan® or via email addressed to:

This request must contain the following:

This request will be answered within a maximum period of 20 (twenty) business days, counting from the date of receipt of the request with acknowledgment of receipt.

IX. Transfer of personal data

Neuraan® may transmit the information provided by the Owner to third parties, so that they can manage such information for marketing, requesting the express consent of the owner.

The third parties receiving the information referred to in this section will assume the same obligations as Neuraan® contained in this Privacy Notice, in the Law and its
Regulations regarding the Processing of the Owner's personal data. Neuraan® will not be responsible for the misuse given by third party recipients to the personal data of
Owner, nor do consequences of any kind arise.

Neuraan® communicates to the Owner through this Privacy Notice that they may transfer their personal data to national or foreign third parties, in the following cases:

X. Changes to the Privacy Notice

When Neuraan® requires to modify the content of this Privacy Notice, it will be known to the Owner, by publishing the revised Privacy Notice in the
offices of Neuraan® and on the Website or mobile applications of the “Neuraan” technological platform. If so, we will ask for your consent again.

If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Notice, you must express your opposition in the manner indicated in sections V and VII of the privacy notice, otherwise, it will be understood that you have given your consent, however, at any time you can revoke your consent. Neuraan® invites you to periodically review this Privacy Notice to be informed about your personal data.

By accepting this Privacy Notice, your consent to the processing of your Personal Data in accordance with this Privacy Notice is understood to have been granted.

XI. Contact details

If you have any questions about this Privacy Notice, please contact us:

Neuraan, S.A.P.I. and C.V.
Name of the person in charge: Department of Personal Data Protection