Terms and Conditions of
Neuraan S.A.P.I. de C.V.

I. Statements and Acceptance

When accessing and/or using this website called https://www.neuraan.com/ or, by using the software called Neuraan (hereinafter the “Platform”), the User acknowledges having read and understood the content of these terms and conditions of use, and declares (i) that he is of legal age, with sufficient capacity; (ii) that he accepts and knows the scope of these terms and conditions; (iii) that he is willing to be bound by the terms of these terms and conditions; (iv) that he irrevocably renounces invoking any jurisdiction, conflict of laws or provisions contrary to these terms and conditions; and (v) that he renounces to object in the future to these terms and conditions, as well as to their modifications.

In the same way, by virtue of these, the User recognizes and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions provided here, which establish a contractual relationship between the User, Neuraan, S.A.P.I. de C.V. (hereinafter “Neuraan”); and accepts that mere access to the Platform or its use in any way implies acceptance and express submission to these terms and conditions, as well as to any other document contained or referred to in the Platform.

However, it should be noted that these terms and conditions regulate the use and access of the Platform, as well as the provision of the services offered within it, so that all obligations and/or rights that may be required from the relationships, current or future, that the User contracts with Neuraan, will be governed by these terms and conditions.

II. Intellectual Property

The User acknowledges that Neuraan is the owner, authorized user or licensee of all the elements contained in the Platform, including all the rights and prerogatives derived from industrial, copyright or related rights, which are derived from or contained therein, so the User renounces to have, use, or in any way infringe such rights, as appropriate, being obliged, in any case, to compensate, repair and/or respond, as the case may be, to Neuraan and/or to any corresponding third party, being obliged, in any case, to remove them in peace and safe from any controversy, claim or conflict related to the misuse of intellectual, industrial or Know How content, referred to or inserted in the Platform. In the same way, any copyright related to the source code, algorithm or program derived from, inserted in, or related to the Platform, is the property of Neuraan, or where appropriate, it is a licensee or authorized user for the use of the same.

III. Provision of the Service

The User accepts and recognizes that Neuraan offers a service to provide information and online assistance in real time, through the Platform (hereinafter the “Service”).

The Service consists of an automated communication tool that uses artificial intelligence to interact with users, which can help the User solve problems, provide information, suggest information, provide automatic answers, provide improvements to internal processes and perform other tasks related to the User.

The Service is provided as follows:

  1. The User accesses the Platform and must create a personalized profile within the Platform, and must provide all the information and documentation requested, including without limitation, personal data, password and payment method of their convenience.
  2. Choose a service plan, in accordance with the different service plans offered through the Platform.
  3. Identify the objective, that is, the User must describe what problem or need is being tried to solve with the use of the Platform, and the User must provide all that information and documentation to the Platform, in order to generate an intelligent database.
  4. Select the conversation flow, that is, select how the interaction with the User's users and/or customers will take place. This includes defining possible questions and answers, welcome messages, menu options, brand voice, moderation, and more.
  5. Configuring the Platform, this involves configuring the Platform so that its artificial intelligence can learn from user interactions and improve its performance over time.
  6. Monitoring, updating and improvements to the Platforms, user interactions are analyzed, problems and opportunities for improvement are identified, in order to make adjustments to the conversation flow and responses of the Platform through artificial intelligence to improve its effectiveness and meet the needs of the User.

The User expressly acknowledges and accepts that:

  1. Neuraan is not responsible for the information shared on the Platform.
  2. Neuraan will not be responsible for the availability and veracity of the information provided on the Platform.
  3. Neuraan is not responsible for the use made of the information aggregated and generated on the Platform.
  4. Neuraan is not responsible for the access that third parties have to the information aggregated and generated on the Platform.
  5. Neuraan limits its liability in relation to the provision of its Service, to the fullest extent permitted by law, limiting its liability to compliance with regulatory and legal obligations.
  6. Neuraan reserves the right to modify, cancel or stop offering any of the services offered by Neuraan and/or through the Platform.

IV. Payments

The Neuraan Platform uses various electronic payment solutions, including but not limited to the Internet payment solution called “Stripe”. Neuraan will not store Users' assets, banking and credit card data. It is the responsibility of each User to implement security policies in the payment systems they use to pay for the Services. Neuraan is not responsible for the misuse that the User makes of payment systems, nor for the attacks that Users, their data, or service providers suffer from hackers, malware, ransomware, phishing, or other events that cause, or may cause, the loss, dissemination, sale or misuse of Users' data, or for the monetary or moral losses, damages or damages that this implies. Any liability derived from, or related to, the use of payment systems and services will belong solely to the User, and/or, where appropriate, to the corresponding service provider, and the User is responsible for following the terms and conditions of these services, which can be found on their web pages.

It will be up to the Users to credit the payments, in the event of a discrepancy.

V. Links to other sites and platforms

Neuraan will link your browsing to Internet sites, applications or service providers, these links will result with the intention of providing a more complete service and through which the User can complete the desired transaction, however, Neuraan is not responsible for the content or operation of such sites or service providers. In addition, for no reason will Neuraan be responsible for any damage or harm arising from the content or operation of such websites or providers, including, in any case, payment services and other services that Neuraan supports from time to time, banking institutions, links to social networks, websites and others, whether related or similar.

I SAW. Tax obligations

The User must be aware of each and every one of their tax obligations in accordance with Applicable Legislation. The User must have paid all their taxes, with resources derived from activities of legal origin in accordance with the Anti-Money Laundering Regulation (collectively, the Federal Act for the Prevention and Identification of Transactions with Illegal Resources, its regulations and its General Rules; the Bank Secrecy Act of the United States of America (Bank Secrecy Act of the United States of America), amended by Title III; the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (International Emergency Economics Powers Act); the United States of America Union and Strengthening Act, Providing Appropriate and Required Tools to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (the United and Strenghtening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT ACT, Act of 2001), as may be amended from time to time, and other related and applicable laws, regulations and legal provisions). It also guarantees that, in a timely and duly manner, it will pay the taxes and contributions caused by the applicable legal acts.

The User must provide any document necessary to verify compliance with their tax obligations, including, without limitation, the positive opinion of compliance with tax obligations issued by the SAT.

VII. Anti-Corruption

The User must have each and every one of the legal and governmental authorizations required and/or required by any Government Authority at the municipal, state or federal level to carry out its operations, which were obtained legally without the commission of any crime or acts of corruption and guarantees to remain in force for as long as any type of relationship with the Customer persists.

The User undertakes to:

  1. Comply with all applicable anti-corruption laws and not perform any act or omission that causes or may cause Neuraan to violate or commit a crime in accordance with all Applicable Laws related to anti-corruption and bribery, including the General Law of the National Anti-Corruption System, the Federal Penal Code, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of the United States of America (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act), its guidelines, the UK Anti-Bribery Act (UK Bribery Act), the Convention against Bribery of Public Officials in International Business Transactions of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the United Nations Convention against Corruption, the Inter-American Convention against Corruption, and other related and applicable laws, regulations and provisions.
  2. Not to deliver or offer things of value to or for the benefit of any official or employee of a governmental authority to obtain or maintain a contract, business opportunity or other benefit of their own, for Neuraan, or to influence any act or decision of that person in their official functions.
  3. Do not promise, offer, deliver or receive bribes, payments, gifts, or rewards, whether in cash or in kind, that are intended to obtain or maintain an advantage or benefit for the User, Neuraan or any third party.

VIII. Preventing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

The User and their related persons must not appear on any list of individuals and/or legal entities sanctioned by national and/or foreign governmental authorities linked to organized crime, money laundering and/or terrorism, including blacklists; and they must be able to prove the legitimate origin of their resources, if required by government authorities.

The User must not have committed by himself, or through his partners, shareholders, subsidiaries, subsidiaries, employees or subordinates, any crime considered organized crime in accordance with the Federal Organized Crime Act and the Anti-Terrorism Regulation (collectively, the Federal Criminal Code; the Federal Organized Crime Act; the National Law on Extinction of Dominion; the General Law of the National Public Security System; Executive Order 13224 of the United States of America) (U.S. Executive Order 13224), the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (International Emergency Economics Powers Act); the United States of America Union and Strengthening Act, Providing Appropriate and Required Tools to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (the United and Strenghtening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT ACT, Act of 2001)); the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996); the Development Cooperation Act (the International Security and Development Cooperation Act); the Government Sanctions Regulations on Terrorism Lists (Terrorism List Governments Sanctions Regulations); and the Sanctions Regulations for International Terrorist Organizations (Foreign Terrorist Organizations Sanctions Regulations); as may be amended from time to time, and other related and applicable laws, regulations and provisions).

In the same way, the User must not relate, directly or indirectly, to organizations, organizations and/or individuals dedicated to coordinating, financing and/or executing the commission of crimes considered to be organized crime in accordance with the Federal Law against Organized Crime.

IX. Cancellation and/or Modification

The User may, at any time, cancel their profile on the Platform and/or, where appropriate, modify the content of said profile on the Platform.

For assistance and support for the cancellation and/or modification of the User's profile, the User may send an email to soporte@neuraan.com and/or to support@neuraan.com.

Neuraan, regardless of any other reason for termination contained in these Terms and Conditions, may, without any liability, terminate the legal relationship if it has a well-founded suspicion that the User and/or its Related Persons are not complying with any of the statements indicated in these Terms and Conditions.

X. Guarantees and claims

The User accepts that the Services offered on the Platform will only have a warranty against defects related to their programming. To request their warranty, the User must submit their claim via email to the following address: soporte@neuraan.com and/or to support@neuraan.com.

Neuraan is not responsible for faults or damages, whose claim has not been filed within 10 days after the fault or damage was detected.

XI. Property and Rights

The entire design of the Platform, the content, including photographs, texts and information are reserved and exclusive rights of Neuraan.

All material generated through Neuraan, contained in or transmitted by the Platform, or any material accessed by the User as a direct or indirect consequence of the use of the Platform and its relationship with Neuraan, is the property of Neuraan. All copyrights derived from the products and services that the User acquires from Neuraan, as well as industrial property (including brands), and the rights derived from the software that give rise to the Platform are the property of Neuraan, and therefore their disclosure, modification, transmission or copying of the same is expressly prohibited, under the terms of applicable law. Any illegitimate transcription, copying or storage of material generated by or through Neuraan is prohibited.

In this act, and by using the Platform, the User grants Neuraan, by himself and by any third party, a universal, transferable and sub-licensable license, free of charge, for 15 (fifteen) years, with respect to any photograph, reproduction or work that the User or related parties make on the services provided by Neuraan, or derived from them. If applicable laws or authorities prevent free licenses, such license will be worth $1.00 (one Mexican peso 00/100 M.N.).

XII. Amendments

Neuraan reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time, making such modifications public on the Platform. Any changes made will take effect the day following their publication.

XIII. Norms

The User undertakes to respect and comply with each and every one of the laws, regulations and regulations that are applicable in the place where the service is provided; and in the place where the User resides. In addition, you agree not to use the Platform for any illegal purpose.

XIV. Titles and Headings

The titles and headings used in these Terms and Conditions are for indicative purposes only, and should not be understood as limiting.

XV. Limitation of liability

The User undertakes to keep peace and safe, and where appropriate, to remove in peace and security, as well as to keep Neuraan, its shareholders, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, advisors, suppliers, providers, and representatives out of any damages, including indirect damages, that arise in any way related to the misuse of the Platform and/or the Services provided.

The User undertakes to reimburse Neuraan for any expenses incurred or damage suffered by the User, without any limitation for unjustified cause.

XVI. Privacy and Data Protection

In accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals, we inform the User that the data provided through the Platform is completely confidential and will be treated in accordance with the Comprehensive Privacy Notice available on the Platform.

If, by virtue of the use of the Platform, the User knows personal data, or in general, information from Neuraan or any third party that is considered confidential, the User undertakes to keep such data and information confidential, and not to disclose it for any reason, or to use it for their benefit.

VII. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

For the interpretation, compliance and execution of these Terms and Conditions, the parties expressly submit to the jurisdiction of the competent Courts of Mexico City; with respect to the merits, these conditions and, in addition, Mexican federal legislation on commercial matters, and the applicable municipal regulations are applicable. The User expressly waives any other jurisdiction or competent jurisdiction because of their present, future address or any other cause.